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"The doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet,
and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Welcome to the Sacro Wedgy Home Page--your first step towards a healthy over-all balance. Try something simple first. It may be all you need. Only $33.95!! Relax your back pain away by Ordering yours today (we personally answer calls during business hours).
1-800-737-9295 or 1-251-653-9258 .
Lying on the Sacrowedgy?
Lying and relaxing on the SACRO WEDGY® is the most important part of helping muscles return to a proper balance. It is also important that the neck is stabilized with a firm support. The SACRO WEDGY® is placed under only the sacrum to isolate, cradle and elevate this very important "wedged" shape bone between the hips. Many refer to the sacrum as the "keystone" of the body. This reference comes from a term used in construction to describe the last stone to go in place when building an arch. If the "keystone" is out of place, the arch will collapse.
The beginning stages may, for some, be awkward. Just finding the "sacrum" may be daunting. It is below the waist, shaped like a triangle with a curve at the very end sometimes called the "tailbone". Lying on the SACRO WEDGY® is like lying on top of another sacrum. There is a curve or "cradle" in the SACRO WEDGY® similar to the curve of the sacrum.
When first learning how to obtain proper placement, we suggest you keep knees bent with feet on the floor and with the hands move the SACRO WEDGY® up towards the waist and down to the feet ½ inch at a time until you feel the "cradle".
Your back will be slightly arched. Because absolutely everyone is different, some will feel discomfort, some will not. The only time there will not be a "fit" is when a woman has a longer and narrower torso and requires the male version of the SACRO WEDGY®. The feeling will be of sitting on top of the hipbones as opposed to going between.
How to video Part 1
How to video Part 2
The concept, when creating the SACRO WEDGY®, was based on a widely used osteopathic technique of placing the hand under the sacrum and elevating that bone. The hips were then free to relax on either side of the hand. Well, the SACRO WEDGY® does basically the same thing. The sacrum is held in a neutral position giving hips the freedom to drop, relax and release. Gravity does the work and when combined with a firm neck support creates what some therapists refer to as a "natural" traction. This is when "relaxing" or doing absolutely nothing is so important.
Below Left: Place index finger in the hollow part of the narrow end of the Sacro Wedgy®. The narrow knob should be placed below the coccyx (tailbone).
Below Right: Keep your knees bent. Position the Sacro Wedgy® so that your coccyx (tailbone) feels like it is in the dip or cradle. Your lower back should feel slightly arched. After placing the Sacro Wedgy® in the correct position straighten your legs out and relax!
Above: This position is the most commonly used and most relaxing to allow gravity to do the most for your muscle balance. Keep in mind, not everyone can do this especially in the beginning stages of realignment. If you have specific conditions like spinal stenosis you would be able to relax better with a pillow under your knees.
Above Left: This position is used to help relax muscles in the groin area. Place the bottom of your feet together and let your knees drop off to the side. Let gravity take over. Remember to relax!
Above Right: If the Psoas muscle is weaker in one side (or longer) this isometric will help strengthen the weak side. Make a brace with your hand against your leg (as shown in picture). Pull back against your hand with your leg for about 5 seconds. Make sure you exhale while doing this due to exertion.
Before ordering, please take a few minutes to browse the web site. Read the testimonials of satisfied users questions you may ask and consider the information we think is essential for you to know. Be sure to contact us if you have any questions.